Water birth

The calming, peaceful environment provided by a water birth provides you and your baby many benefits, including:

•    Encourages relaxation, which helps reduce the length of labour and conserve energy;
•    The warm embrace of the water creates ease of movement, allowing the mother to naturally move into optimal birthing positions;
•    Provides a sense of privacy and control, allowing you to feel comfortable and secure;
•    Psychological impact of pain is significantly reduced;
•    The calming effect of the water reduces blood pressure;
•    Reduces complications and the need for interventions;
•    Provides a gentle, welcoming environment for baby;
•    Babies born in water are usually more alert and calm; and
•    Empowers the mother as she is able to accomplish a conscious, natural birth.

Embrace your birthing rite as a woman, and create the birth environment you want! Light some candles, use aromatherapy, calming music, massage, breathing and visualizations to help you relax and enjoy your birth experience.