Fueled with a passion and belief in the benefits of water birth, Baby Birth Pools was established in July 2009, to provide birth pool rentals to women to in the Edmonton and surrounding area.

I am a Mother to my three beautiful children who were all brought into this world as water babies. My first birth was at home with a traditional birth attendant, who provided a birth pool for us to welcome our first baby. The experience was fulfilling, relaxing and so very comfortable in our own home. I was able to birth my daughter naturally and lift her to the surface of the water for her first breath. There are no words to describe that first moment of meeting this new soul you have just welcomed to this earth. Our daughter was healthy, calm and naturally took to nursing right while we were in the water. When we were ready, we moved down the hall and settled into our own bed for the evening. Nothing could compare to this perfect experience with our new little baby.

When I became pregnant with our second child, we immediately reserved our date with an Edmonton midwife. Alberta Health finally approved Midwifery Services as of April 1, 2009! In our preparations for our next birth we found that access to birth pool rentals in the Edmonton area was very limited. How unfortunate, since water birth is such an amazing experience, and should be available for all women wishing to welcome their babies this way. So our research began!

We found the Birth Pool in a Box, ordered it, set it up and jumped in to see if it would work. It was perfect! This size was comfortable for me to birth on my own, and sufficient for my husband to join and support me. The separately inflated chambers and handles in all the right places easily allow you to relax, which will definitely make contractions more manageable. All I had left to do was share this opportunity with other women.

Our second baby was welcomed into this world in another perfect home water birth. I believe two changes helped make this birth an even easier one than the first. We completed HypnoBirthing classes, which helped me to fully relax and allow nature to take its course, and we decided to add the use of essential oils to my pregnancy and birth experience. When my little one decided it was his day to join us, I was already half way through labor and didn’t even know it! At 41½ weeks I kept telling mybaby that his birth better be quick since he was taking his time coming out. Well he listened, and was born in the pool with my husband jumping in to catch him and bring him out of the water, shouting “It’s a Boy!”

After two amazing birth experiences and healthy pregnancies, we decided to welcome a third child into our family. We used everything we learned from our first two birth experiences, and decided we would be comfortable having our first two children present for the birth. After being out for the evening, basically just keeping myself busy at 41½ weeks (again!), I came home experiencing surges that seemed to be turning into the real thing. With my support team all ready to go, my little boy was finally born, with his older brother and sister witnessing his birth. They were thrilled he was finally here and jumped in the pool to shower him with kisses, and just take it all in.

After my third baby I can finally say I was able to use the Birth Pool in a Box – it was rented out for my second birth. What a difference it made! The handles were there when I needed them, and the pool provided perfect strength for my family and midwives to support me with. If you haven’t tried one of our pools before, I highly recommend it!